Blueprint to Global Power: Can China Overtake the U.S. as a Global Power Without Any War?

Blueprint to Global Power: Can China Overtake the U.S. as a Global Power Without Any War?

A New Era of Geopolitical Leadership Without War In an era where geopolitical rivalries dominate the global stage, the question of which nation will lead the world in the coming decades is increasingly important. One of the most talked-about possibilities is the rise of China—a nation that has rapidly ascended to become an economic powerhouse,…

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US Raises Concerns Over China’s Potential Influence on Nigeria through Loans: Integrated Country Strategies Document Reveals Worries

The United States has expressed apprehensions regarding China’s potential to exert influence over the Nigerian government by leveraging Chinese loans. These revelations emerged from the Integrated Country Strategies document prepared by the US Department of State, highlighting concerns about China’s role in Nigeria. The document, initially approved on April 6, 2022, underwent review and updates…

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